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Papers of the Week

Papers: 8 Aug 2020 - 14 Aug 2020

Animal Studies

2020 Aug 06

Sci Rep



Automated and rapid self-report of nociception in transgenic mice.


Black CJ, Allawala AB, Bloye K, Vanent KN, Edhi MM, Saab CY, Borton DA
Sci Rep. 2020 Aug 06; 10(1):13215.
PMID: 32764714.


There are currently no rapid, operant pain behaviors in rodents that use a self-report to directly engage higher-order brain circuitry. We have developed a pain detection assay consisting of a lick behavior in response to optogenetic activation of predominantly nociceptive peripheral afferent nerve fibers in head-restrained transgenic mice expressing ChR2 in TRPV1 containing neurons. TRPV1-ChR2-EYFP mice (n = 5) were trained to provide lick reports to the detection of light-evoked nociceptive stimulation to the hind paw. Using simultaneous video recording, we demonstrate that the learned lick behavior may prove more pertinent in investigating brain driven pain processes than the reflex behavior. Within sessions, the response bias of transgenic mice changed with respect to lick behavior but not reflex behavior. Furthermore, response similarity between the lick and reflex behaviors diverged near perceptual threshold. Our nociceptive lick-report detection assay will enable a host of investigations into the millisecond, single cell, neural dynamics underlying pain processing in the central nervous system of awake behaving animals.